Deemed Accreditation Organizations for DMEPOS
The following accreditation organizations have been recognized by CMS. Accreditation Helper, LLC’s supports customer choice in the accreditor of their choosing and is proud to currently be working with clients for ACHC, BOC, HQAA and The Joint Commission.
Accreditation Commission for Health care, Inc. (ACHC)
Approved for the following categories of DMEPOS: Respiratory, orthotics, Rehabilitation Tecnology Supplier and Medical supply provider
American Board for Certification in Orthotics and Prosthetics, Inc. (ABC)
Board of Orthotist/Prosthetist Certification (BOC)
Approved for the following DMEPOS categories: All orthotics, prosthetics, pedorthic and for DME all respiratory and POV.
Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities
Community Health Accreditation Program (CHAP)
Approved for all product categories and custom orthotics.
HealthCare Quality Association on Accreditation (HQAA)
Approved for all product categories of DME and custom orthotics
National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP)
The Compliance Team, Inc.
Approved for product categories: All mail order and home delivery medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and supplies. Home dialysis supplies, therapeutic shoes and inserts.
The Joint Commission
Approved for all products and services described in Section 1834(a) (13) of the Act. Prosthetic devices,orthotics and prosthetics descibed in section 1834(h) of the Act and items described in Section 1842(s) (2) of the Act.
Emergency Planning
Emergency Management Plan examples and approaches for planning for suppliers and business owners.
CDC Emergency Preparedness & Response Site
Resources and examples on how to prepare and respond should your community be impacted by biologicals or other infectious agents.
FEMA: Protect Your Property or Business from Disaster
Resource provides overviews and templated examples to design a plan for your business.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
DMEPOS suppliers quick link for recent news alerts, regulations and changes affecting DMEPOS providers and suppliers.
Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Center
DMEPOS provider news and program specific updates.
Final CMS DMEPOS Quality Standards
Final DMEPOS Quality Standards. Published October, 2008
Home Health, Hospice & Durable Medical Equipment Open Door Forum Open Door Forums
Reoccurring telephone panel discussions with CMS and DMEPOS suppliers. Replays of recorded sessions also available for downloading.
Overview DMEPOS Competitive Bidding
Suppliers quick link to current policy and procedure related to the Competitive Bidding program.
Durable Medical Equipment Administrative Contractors (DME MACS)
Enrolled suppliers contact by geographical location with questions on claims related business.
AdminaStar Federal – Jurisdiction B DME MAC Information
Jurisdiction B claims related business.
DME MAC Jurisdiction C
Jurisdiction C claims related business.
Jurisdiction D claims processing
Jurisdiction D claims processing.
Jurisdiction A claims processing.
Stay current with your states licensure requirements for your business and the professionals you employ.
Health Guide USA
Advanced search allows you to locate professional practice acts requirements in detail by state.
Licensure requirements by state
Site provides state licensure requirements based on the types of services provided and the staff employed. Just type in licensure in the search window and select your state.
Performance Improvement
Designing, implementing and monitoring Performance Improvement initiatives.
Managing Performance Measurement Data in Health Care
Examples of collected Performance Improvement data including , graphs and outcomes analysis. Available through
National Quality Measures Clearinghouse. Resources for Performance Improvement measure selection, data collection and analysis
Using Performance Improvement Tools in Healthcare
Examples of measures, including garphs and ideas for bencmarking collected data. Available through
State Medical Equipment Associations
Accreditation Helper, LLC recognizes how membership in a suppliers state association provides great opportunities for networking and keeping current with legislative changes in your industry and state.