Get Started with the HME/DME Accreditation Helper System


What level are you?

Experienced in accreditation, but need policy and procedures, forms and tools.

Self Prepare: $1,000

At this level you get a personal website with a comprehensive set of preparation tasks, templates of policies and procedures, forms, and quality improvement tools.

Little or no experience but have staff available to work on project.

Prepare: $1,000 plus $235/month for 7 months

At this level you’ll not only receive a personal website with a comprehensive set of preparation tasks, templates of policies and procedures, forms, quality improvement tools, but also a Helper to guide you through the entire accreditation process using our unique Client/Helper online notes feature, e-mail and through scheduled telephone conferences. Additionally, your Helper will review any policies or forms you edit to ensure compliance. You will also receive our monthly Newsletter which includes industry and accreditation updates, case studies and upcoming educational offerings.

Contact Us Today to Get Started

Client Checklist

What level are you?

I am accredited but having trouble maintaining my policy and procedures and quality improvement tasks. I need the tools but don’t need a Helper.

Self Care: $950 annually

Access to your website with templates of up-to-date policies and procedures, forms, and quality improvement tools. You receive a monthly reminder of tasks you need to perform to stay survey ready with your accrediting agency.

I am accredited and need the tools and occasional advice from a Helper.

Care: $1550 annually

Access to your website with templates of up-to-date policies and procedures, forms, and quality improvement tools, plus a monthly reminder of tasks you need to perform to stay in compliance throughout the year with your accrediting agency. At this level a Helper is assigned to you, providing support through our Notes system and e mail; no telephone support is provided.

Additionally, your Helper will review any policies or form you edit to ensure compliance. Our monthly newsletter is included at this level, including industry, accreditation updates, case studies and upcoming educational offerings.

I am accredited but do not have an experienced accreditation person on staff. I need all the tools and full services of a Helper.

Concierge Care: $2,350 annually

In addition to all of the services described above for a “CARE” customer, at this level, you get telephone support up to six hours annually, and an annual review and “Mock Survey” meeting.

Contact Us Today to Get Started